The Ultimate Comic Book Action Bible

Setting captives free.

Over 26,988 copies sent into prisons in 2022.

Good and Evil Behind Bars is a ministry of No Greater Joy Ministries, Inc., a 501c3 non-profit organization, and publisher of the Good and Evil comic book Bible.

Good and Evil was created by Micheal and Debi Pearl, the founders of No Greater Joy. When their daughter, Rebekah, was a missionary in Papua New Guinea, she struggled to communicate the gospel to a tribal people whose language she was still in the process of learning. Through that experience, God gave them a vision of producing the Bible story from Genesis to Revelation in a self-propagating format that stands on its own or can be used by anyone.

God led Michael and Debi to world famous artist Danny Bulanadi, who had retired from Marvel Comics, and they hired him to be their illustrator. Next came the shading and bubbles and text entry and proofing. The finished comic book Good and Evil has now been translated into over 50 languages, with nearly half a million copies in print all over the world.

Michael Pearl has spent thousands of hours preaching and ministering in prisons, winning hundreds of men to the Lord. He began to hand out copies of Good and Evil at the local prison, and found that the inmates loved it. One of the prisoners was later transferred to another facility, and began sharing the gospel there, winning many (including the warden) to Christ. When Michael and Debi heard about how God was moving at this facility, they loaded up some cases of the books in their car and delivered them to this minister behind bars.

After seeing the reception the books received, Debi found a list of about 40 chaplains and sent them each sample copies of the book.

Since then, No Greater Joy has received a steady stream of requests from chaplains and inmates for copies of this book, sending out tens of thousands of copies every year to prisons in the US, and more overseas. Many testimonies are received of lives changed through this amazing book.

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